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We're watching The Stranger on Netflix, The Masked Singer on Fox, Brooklyn 99 on NBC, Briarpatch on USA, Mythic Quest on Apple TV Plus, The Magicians on SyFy and The Bold Type on Freeform. We're also looking forward to Hunters on Amazon Prime, Altered Carbon on Netflix, and West World on HBO. The one show we watched that was HORRIBLE that you should stay away from is Lego Masters on FOX.

Pattie had promised to share the video from Lego Masters that had the fun animated bit that Bill mentioned. Well, the only one she could find was dizzying and vomit inducing so she decided not to share it here.

The Masked Singer - Miss Monster was revealed to be Chaka Khan. Here's her performance compared to White Tiger... you tell me who should have stayed.

White Tiger

Altered Carbon returns to Netflix on Thursday 2/27.

Amazon Prime's Hunters begins on Friday 2/21

If you've never heard of, or seen The Magicians from SyFy here's the original season 1 trailer. The show is based on a book series of the same name by Lev Grossman.

If you want to know why I love the Magicians so much, watch this scene from Season 3. No not all episodes are musical. This episode is forcing our moody and depressed Magicians, who are all trying to save magic and the world in their own way, to work together. It was an unexpected and fun moment for me.

And then in another scene, this one the finale from Season 4, they're at it again. They make the A-Ha song, Take On Me have a whole new meaning. I'll never be able to hear it the same way again.